Adding a deadline to your interviews helps candidate know when to complete.
Wepow provides two different deadline types:
- Candidate individual deadline
- Fixed deadline
*This is how your candidates' invitations look when you add a deadline.
Learn more about the uses and how to set them with the following links:
- Set a fix interview deadline or add a new candidate individual deadline
- Edit / Add an interview deadline
- Filter by deadline
- Show the interview deadline when adding candidates to an interview
Set a fix interview deadline or add a new candidate individual deadline
All candidates will share the same deadline Day/Time. The deadline is linked to each questionnaire.
How to set it up:
1. Select add deadline
2. Select to add "Fixed Interview Deadline"
3. Select a date, time and time zone and click finish. Default Time Zone should be the one in Team Settings
4. Click finish to set up your deadline
Add a new candidate individual deadline
With this deadline option, you can customize the total days your candidates will to complete their interview A unique deadline is generated per candidate invited. If the candidate does not complete the interview after the days granted, the link will expire and they will no longer be able to complete it. Deadlines are individual to each candidate according to the date they were invited.
When activating deadline setting by default candidate individual deadline is selected.
How to set it up:
1. Select add deadline
2. Update candidate individual deadline and add the number days to complete the interview.
- The option is set to 7 by default
- You need to set at least 1 day
- The maximum number of days to complete are 365
3. Click finish to set up your deadline
Edit / Add an interview deadline
You can always create Pre-recorded interviews without a deadline. When there is no deadline set for the interview the deadline column shows N/A. Nevertheless, if you change your mind and you want to add set a deadline for your interview you can do it. Only those candidates invited after the deadline was added will display the deadline. Old candidate invitations will continue to show as N/A
1. Select the interview and go to the settings tab. You can set it to any of the two options, fixed or by individual candidate
2. Save your changes and you are set.
Filter by deadline
With this new filtering option, not only you can filter per interview status (incomplete or completed), you can filter your candidates according to their deadline status. It's important to know that filtering by deadline only applies to incomplete interviews. Those interviews that were opt out or were completed by your candidates will not appear when filtering by "deadline".
1. Select your pre-recorded interview and expand the filter "Deadline" from the left panel.
2. You can filter your interviews by expired, expiring in the next 24 hours and interviews expiring over the next 24 hours.
Show the interview deadline when adding candidates to an interview
Before sending your invitation email for the interview you can review it. The deadline will display the details in the "edit email page", just before sending the invites.
Users with access to these actions: Owner, Admin and Interviewer.
Happy interviewing!!
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